Enrolments and Fees
OPEN DAY FOR 2025: SATURDAY 20th APRIL 2024 – 9:30am – 11:30am
Each year, Jack & Jill Beaumaris Kindergarten participates in the central enrolment scheme at Bayside Council.
1. Register for kindergarten (1 May – 30 June 2024)
Register online via Bayside Council https://www.bayside.
2. Wait for registrations to be processed (July 2024)
Registrations received during the registration period are processed during July 2024.
3. Receive an offer and accept or decline the enrolment (July 2024)
Council staff issue initial offers to families that have registered by 30th June via email in July 2024.
Your email offer will contain a link to a form. The form will allow you to finalise your Jack & Jill Kindergarten offer by accepting or rejecting the place. If accepting the place you will need to:
- Pay a $150 enrolment application fee after filling out the form. This fee will be offered as a refund to you once your child commences at the service. If your child withdraws prior to commencement there will be no refund provided.
4. Late Registrations
Kindergartens direct all late expressions of interest to register online with Bayside.
Kindergarten registrations received by June 30 will be processed in the first round of offers. Registrations received after June 30 will be processed with subsequent offers
Please see these frequently asked questions regarding the enrolment process.. For any other questions about the enrolment process, feel free to email accounts@jackandjillbeaumaris.
Finalising your 2025 Enrolment at Jack and Jill Kindergarten
Once you have accepted your offer for a place at Jack and Jill Kindergarten in 2025 through Bayside City Council, please follow the instructions to finalise your registration with the kindergarten. You will be asked to complete further enrolment forms at a later date. This will include supplying us with a copy of child’s birth certificate or passport and Immunisation History Statement showing that you child is up to date with immunisations (note the enrolment cannot process part this point if the relevant documents cannot be supplied).
Age of Child
- All children enrolling in our 3-year old program must turn 3 by 30 April in the year they start. Due to the staff:child ratio regulation based on age, a child cannot commence at the service until they have turned 3 years old.
- All children enrolling in our 4-year old program must be 4 by 30 April in the year they start 4-year old kindergarten.
Please refer to the Enrolment FAQs.
Please note: If you wish to go on a waiting list for 2024 kindergarten, please contact Bayside Council Family Services on (03) 9599 4733 to register and discuss options.
- Jack & Jill participates in the Free Kinder scheme therefore fees are nil for 15 hours of kindergarten per week in both Junior and Senior groups.
- There is a term fee payable for the Senior group children registered in the Friday additional day as this is outside the funded kindergarten program.
- The $150 enrolment fee (payable when enrolling at the kindergarten) is offered as a refund once your child commences in the kinder program. There will be no refund if the child withdraws prior to commencement.
- For a full description of our Fees policy please go to the Policies section.